Thursday, April 5, 2012

dye dye dye

I'm constantly going back and forth on whether I should grow out my naturally dark, dark brown hair or dye it lighter again. Usually this happens when I go in my super bright bathroom and I see just how evident my roots are. Then I remember I don't really care about obvious roots and go on with my life. I thought I was at least sort of firmly on the "grow it out" side of things but then I had to go and look at Beyonce's stupid Tumblr today.

By stupid I of course mean it's awesome but made me feel like my life isn't nearly as fun as it should be. And look at her hair!!

My hair is kinda like that right now in length and texture, meaning my curls have been calmer recently (might sound weird, but they have a mind of their own!) and it's been a while since I've straightened it, quite a feat for someone who used to straighten all. the. time. I'm really thinking about trying out this shade. Never gone that light before. I've always thought that if you keep the roots darker then you can have dark eyebrows with light hair and not have it look weird. Yes, that is totally a theory I came up with when I first dyed my hair since I have crazy dark eyebrows. But look! Beyonce did it too so it must be true!

Also today, I saw this picture which made me all second guess going blonde:

Big, awesome, dark hair. I wish mine would just get that long already!

The decision will probably come down to the fact that my boy and my roommate are both going out of town soon and I'll find myself alone at the apartment staring into the mirror with a bottle of Palty in my hand. Bordom brings about hair dying in my experience. And, if I go for Beyonce level lightness maybe I can finally add a little pink in soon!

First two pics from (Seriously look at it. The pics are so fun and she's just so freakin' gorgeous especially in these without a ton of stage makeup and craziness.)

Second pic from


  1. great pics, great blog!
    following now! xx

  2. thank you so much for your lovely comment! nice blog!

  3. both hair colours are gorgeous! xx

  4. omg your amazing, and i love your blog! Hugs from California :) xx,
    The Golden Girls

  5. love the last picture! its so cute!
